September 4 and are the Grade 2021postgraduate freshmen registration day of Tsinghua University. 71 new doctoral freshmen and 48 postgraduate freshmen of the Department of Electrical Engineering ofGrade2021 with high spirits will register on timeinjectnew vitality to the Department of Electrical Engineering.Arranged by the university,the Department of Electrical Engineering organized a series ofpostgraduate orientation activities in an orderly manner, which provided a strong guarantee for the successful registrationof postgraduate freshmen and laid afirm foundation for their study and life.
On the day of registration, abanner saying“Welcome NewClassmates” was hung at the entrance of the West Main Building. Teachers and volunteers who were in charge of the registration work were ready to provide a full range of registration services for freshmen in the lobby on the first floor of the West Main Building.Each postgraduate freshman receivedhis freshman handbook,postgraduatestudent’scertificate, student status card, student card, physical examination form, school badge, department shirt andrecruitment materials for research teams and research associations at the orientation point, and went through the relevant procedures. The students at the registration site strictly abide by the school’spandemic prevention measures and completed the registration work inregular order; the staff present enthusiastically answered questions for the freshmen, which fully demonstrated thewarm carefrom the Department of Electrical Engineering.

At the reception desk
On the morning of September 6, all thepostgraduate freshmen of the Department of Electrical Engineering participated in the 2021 postgraduatetermopening ceremony of Tsinghua University under the orderly organization of the postgraduateworkinggroup. 10 students participated as representative postgraduate students in the main venue of the comprehensive gymnasium, and the rest were in the lecture hall 3-217 of the West Main Buildingto watch the live broadcast of the opening ceremony. At the ceremony, Qiu Yong, President of Tsinghua University delivered a speech entitled “Pursuing lasting meaning of life in service and dedication”; Academician Luo Jianbin of the Department of Mechanical Engineering delivered a speech on behalf of all teachers; Bai Haohao,Chairman of the Postgraduate Students’ Association and PhD student of the Department of Civil Engineering,and Tan Chang, Directly Admitted Ph.D of theDepartment of Earth System Science delivered speeches on behalf of thepostgraduate students and freshmen. Chen Xu, secretary of theuniversity party committee,put on thebadge foreachfreshman representative.Yang Bin,Vice President and Deanof Studies of Tsinghua University,presided over the ceremony.

Term openingceremonyat the venue of the Department ofElectrical Engineering
On the morning of September 9, the Department of Electrical Engineering held a 2021postgraduate orientation meeting inlecture hall3-217, West Main Building. Dean Kang Chongqing, Party Secretary Yu Xinjie, Deputy Dean Lu Chao, Deputy Dean Yu Zhanqing, Deputy Party Secretary Wu Wenchuan, Deputy Party Secretary Zheng Zedong, Assistant Dean Zhang Pinjia, Assistant Dean Sun Kai, Assistant Dean Li Bingyang, Director Dong Xinzhou of the Power System Research Institute,DirectorXie Xiaorong ofthe Flexible Transmission and Distribution Research Institute,DirectorYuan Liqiang of the Power Electronics and Electrical System Research Institute,Deputy DirectorLuo Haiyun of the High Voltage and Insulation Research Institute, and Zhou Xun fromthe Office ofPostgraduate Academic Affairsof the Department of Electrical Engineeringattended the meeting. The orientation meeting was presided over by Zhong Haiwang, head of thepostgraduate working groupof the department party committee.

At the orientation meeting of the Department of Electrical Engineering
At the beginning of themeeting, Kang Chongqing, dean of the Department, delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the Department of Electrical Engineering, and extended a warm welcome to the new students who joined the Department of Electrical Engineering. He introduced the glorious history of the Department of Electrical Engineering since the establishment of the department in 1932, and reviewed the breakthrough progress made bythe department in scientific research in the past year. In the end, Professor Kang Chongqing expressed the earnest expectation of the Department of Electrical Engineering to the freshmen, hoping that the students will always uphold the department motto of “Strictin learning, and uprightin being a man”, stand upat the forefront in the tide of the times, integrate personal development with thenational demand,set aspirations, enter the mainstream,step ontothe big stage, and take on the responsibility and mission of Tsinghua peopleforthe times.

Professor Kang Chongqing, Dean of the Department of Electrical Engineering, delivered a speech
Then, Chen Ying from the Power System Research Institutedelivered a speechas a teacher representative. He said that 2021 is the first yearto implement the“dual-carbon” policy andstart the construction of a “new power system with new energy as the mainstay”, and theclean energy revolutionin Chinahas entered a critical turning period.Weshould closely linkourscientific research career with the great cause of the national energy revolution and low-carbon power system construction.We should be ambitious, never forgetour original aspirations, and constantly strive for self-improvement; be rigorous andrealistic;improve our virtue to carry more, study hard and use it for innovation; take ongreat responsibilities, not afraid of hardships, and strengthenour country.

Teacher representative Chen Yingdelivered a speech
Next,Shi Bochen, a“Rising academicstar” from Class 17 of Ph.D. of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University, gave a speech asa studentrepresentative. He hopes that freshmen studentsshould “resonate” with their mentors in their future research careers, actively communicate with their mentors, and establish a good “student-mentorrelationship”.Healsohopes thatthestudents cantreasure time,choose the correctdirection, focus their precious youth on the most valuable work, combine personal development with the needs of the country and society, and do something really meaningful at the most creative stage of life. In the end, he believes thateachstudent should have the quality of perseverance, face setbacks correctly, learn and grow from failures, not forget the original intention,carry on the mission in mind, and keep moving towards their goals.

Student representative Shi Bochen made a speech
Finally, Liu Zhizhen, a Ph.D student inClass 212 ofPh.D of Electrical Engineering,made a speech on behalf of the Grade 2021 postgraduate students. He is full of expectations for the future, looking forward to the challenges that makehim grow up. In the postgraduate stage, he smiled at the changes, moved forward bravely, andgrew withovercoming challenges. He looks forward to focusing on the steadfastness and satisfaction of one thing, and believes that as long as he finishes every job with perseverance and excellence, he can develop great skills in small details, andmake great achievement ina small business. Hehopes the freshmen can be Tsinghua people whocan bear the important responsibilities of the times, temper skills in theDepartment of ElectricalEngineering, and strive to make contribution to the development of the country.

Ph.D representative Liu Zhizhen made a speech
After the orientation meeting is the freshmen enrollment education activities organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering. In the first report,Dean Kang Chongqing gave a lecture on academic literacy and academic ethics for freshmen.Hespokein four parts, including how tomake research, specification of thesis writing, thesissubmission and publication, and workon dissertation, and introduced in detail the norms that everyone should follow in the scientific research process and the abilities that should be mastered. Then, he introduced academic ethics and academic norms to everyone,remind everyoneto cultivate a rigorous, meticulous and serious academic attitude, listed typical wrong academic behaviours to warm students offacademic misconduct, and teach them to follow academic ethics. Finally, he encouraged everyone to cherishtheir time inTsinghua, devote themselves to scientific research, strictly abide by academic standards, and make innovative achievements.

Professor Kang Chongqing,Dean of theDepartment of Electrical Engineering, gave a lecture on academic literacy and academic ethics
In the second report, Yu Xinjie, secretary of the Party Committee of the Department of Electrical Engineering, gave the “first partylesson” to the newpostgraduate students. With the theme of “Remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind, and strive to become a Tsinghuapostgraduate student who is responsible for national rejuvenation”, relying on the interactive function ofRain Classroom, and using the party’s theoretical knowledge questions and answers as clues, he launched a unique thematic education for allpostgraduatefreshmen. He first interpreted the original intention and mission of the party, expounded the significance of the thematic education, and led the students to focus on the spirit of the speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the celebration of the centennial of the founding of the Communist Party of China. In addition, he also introduced a number of behavioral norms for student party members, as well as the procedures and precautions forrecruiting new party members. Finally, he encouraged the students to strive for first-class scientific research results, communicate more with theirmentors, learn professional knowledge, serve the society, go to the international stage, expand their international horizons, andalso actively participate in students’ work andimprove themselves comprehensively.

Professor Yu Xinjie, Secretary of the Party Committee, gave a party lesson
In the third report, Zhu Guiping,DeputyDean of the Department of Electrical Engineering, carried outthe student status education forthefreshmen. First, she introduced the current status of the disciplines of the Department of Electrical Engineering and theoutlines of the institutes. After that,in combinationwith the training programfor postgraduate students in the Department of Electrical Engineering,she introducedthe talent training programs of full-timemaster ofengineering, master-to-doctor,anddirectdoctor, and unified examsfor doctors, respectively. Then sheintroduced the basic situation of the management of the student statusin the Department of Electrical Engineering, and emphasized the relevant management regulationson postgraduate registration, application forleaves, course requirements, graduation and degree, etc. Finally,she talked aboutsome precautions during the postgraduate study period, and encouraged students to make full use of school resources, pay attention to physical and mental health, and to be rigorous in their studies as well as to behave properly.

Professor Zhu Guiping made a report on thestudent statuseducationfor postgraduate students
In the fourth report, Li Bingyang and Li Hui from the Laboratory Safety Management Center carried out laboratory safety education forthefreshmen. The two teachers introduced the laboratory safety regulations, chemical reagent safety rules, and the safety precautions for laboratory electricity using, andreviewed several typical accidents toreminded students to protect their own safety when entering the laboratory.

Teacher Li Bingyang introduced the laboratory safety regulations

Teacher Li Hui introduces the precautions for safe use of electricity
In the fifth report, Zheng Zedong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Department of Electrical Engineering, carried out school discipline and school rules education forthefreshmen. With the topic of “Being anhonest and trustworthy Tsinghuaperson strict in self-discipline”, hedetailed the rules and regulationsforstudentsto followin three parts: student disciplinary management regulations, types and effects of student disciplinary actions, and student disciplinary actions case analysis. He also warned the students to strengthen legal awareness, strive to be law-abiding citizens, strengthen self-management,improve moral integrity,andabide by academic ethics and academic integrity. Finally, he encouraged the students to be honest and trustworthy, be strict in self-discipline, and become outstanding Tsinghua people on the basis of being qualified Tsinghua people.

Associate Professor Zheng Zedong made a report on school discipline and regulation education
At the end of theorientation education, Lan Jian, deputy head of thePostgraduate Students’ Work Groupof the Party Committee of the Department of Electrical Engineering, gave a detailed introduction to thePostgraduate Students’ Work Group. He introduced the basic situation of theGrade2021 freshmen, the composition of thework group,and the division of labor among the work groupassistants. He also showed everyone the diverse and rich activities organized by thework groupin the past year, involving party building,patriotism education, academic and scientific research, cultural construction, sports events, social practice, voluntary service, employment and career development, etc. Finally, he once again extended a warm welcome to the freshmen, and said that no matter what difficulties they encounter, thework groupwill provide assistance to them as much as possible.
So far, the postgraduate orientation activities of the Department of Electrical Engineering have successfully concluded.New members of theDepartment of Electrical Engineeringare expected toexplore academic ideals, pursue life knowledge, andimprove themselves in Tsinghua University!