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Faculty Recruitment

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics, Tsinghua University recruits professors from home and abroad (2023 Faculty Recruitment Plan)

Introduction to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics, Tsinghua University

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics (EEA) of Tsinghua University, founded in 1932, is one of the three earliest engineering departments established at Tsinghua University and also one of the first batch of units authorized to grant doctoral degrees in first-level disciplines by the state. With a long history and remarkable achievements, the Department has all five secondary discipline points of the first-level discipline of “Electrical Engineering” and has consistently ranked first or A+ nationally in four discipline assessments. In the 2010 international discipline assessment, it was evaluated as “One of the top such departments in the world”. In 2023, the Electrical & Electronic Engineering major was ranked 14th in the world (QS Ranking).

EEA has been adhering to the concept of aiming at both international cutting-edge basic research and addressing major needs of national economic development, conducting scientific research in the fields of electrical and electrical engineering. Seizing the development opportunities of the national “dual carbon” strategy, EEA has already laid out research on technological innovation around new power systems and has collaborated with the Tsinghua University Energy Internet Innovation Research Institute, the Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute, the State Key Laboratory of Advanced Power System Operation and Control, and the National Energy Internet Industry and Technology Innovation Alliance to jointly build a development model and innovation platform of “one department, two institutes, one office, and one alliance”.

EEA has a strong faculty team with a reasonable age structure. It currently has more than 120 full-time teachers and researchers, including 45 professors with senior titles and 47 associate professors. There is 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 foreign academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, 1 academician of the Royal Academy of Engineering of the United Kingdom, 10 IEEE Fellows, 29 IET (IEE) Fellows, and 1 national-level teaching master. Currently, among the teachers under 40 years old, 23 have been awarded talent titles, accounting for 70% of the teachers in the same age group; 39 young and middle-aged teachers have been selected for national talent projects. A large number of young teachers have shown strong innovative strength and good career development momentum.

EEA has established a complete tenure and long-term employment mechanism (similar to the tenure system abroad), with all teaching and research series teachers implementing an annual salary system. EEA warmly welcomes outstanding scholars from overseas to join our department, and we will provide you with a first-class teaching and research platform, competitive salaries and benefits, and ensure the long-term development of talents introduced into EEA.


I. Positions Available

The positions available for global recruitment this time are as follows:

1 Tenured professor;

1-2 Tenure-track associate professors;

1-2 Tenure-track assistant professors;

1-2 Assistant research professors


II. Application Conditions

1. Abide by laws and regulations, be honest and trustworthy, maintain academic integrity, and have good professional ethics.

2. Hold a doctoral degree in electrical engineering or related disciplines, and have achieved outstanding research results.

3. Generally, applicants for tenured professors should be under 45 years old, applicants for tenure-track associate professors should be under 40 years old, and applicants for tenure-track assistant professors and assistant research professors should be under 35 years old, and after being hired, they should work full-time in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics at Tsinghua University. For exceptionally outstanding applicants, the age requirements may be appropriately relaxed after research by the school's evaluation and appointment committee.

4. Applicants for teaching and research series positions should be fluent in English and able to teach English courses. They should have strong teaching abilities and meet the school's requirements for teaching level (including passing the teaching demonstration organized by the school).


III. Salary and Benefits

Competitive salary and welfare benefits and teaching and research conditions will be provided to create the best development environment for each scholar.


IV. Application Method

Applicants can contact the personnel department of EEA. The required materials for application include: a resume (including educational and research experience), academic achievements and up to 5 full-text representative academic papers, personal career development plans, and self-assessment of academic achievements. Applicants should also submit their future research directions and research work plans.


Address: Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics, West Main Building, Tsinghua University, Postal Code: 100084

Tel: +86-10-62782550


Yu Xinjie, yuxj@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

Duan Yanmei, djxrsh@tsinghua.edu.cn