On the morning of September 18, the appointment ceremony andlecture of the distinguished visiting professor of Tsinghua University, Joe H. Chow, Academician of the United States National Academy of Sciences, was held in the Department of Electrical Engineering. Yu Xinjie, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Department of Electrical Engineering, presided over the appointment ceremony, andKang Chongqing, Deanof the Department of Electrical Engineering, granted theAppointmentCertificate of Distinguished Visiting of Professor Tsinghua University to Academician Joe H. Chow. Yu Zhanqing,DeputyDean of the Department of Electrical Engineering, and more than 20 teachers and students including Xie Xiaorong and Zhong Haiwang attended the appointment ceremony. In addition,about 300 studentsfromdomestic universities includingthe Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University, the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the School of Electrical Engineering of Zhejiang University, the School of Electrical and Automation of Wuhan University, the School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering of Shanghai Jiaotong University, the School of Electrical Engineering of Chongqing University, and the School of Electrical Engineering of North China Electric Power University participated in Academician Joe H. Chow’s reportmeetingonline.
First of all, Professor Kang Chongqing mentioned in his speech that this is the first time in the history of the Department of Electrical Engineering that the appointment ceremony ofanoutstanding visiting professor has been carried out online. He briefly introduced the basic situation of the Department of Electrical Engineering, the State Key Laboratory of Safety Control and Simulation ofPower Systems and Large-scale Power Generation Equipment, and theoutline of the “One Department and Two Institutes”. He introduced the resume of Academician Joe H. Chow to the teachers and students on site,reviewed the visit of Academician Joe H. Chow to the Department of Electrical Engineering a few years ago, and looked forward toexpanding cooperation in the future.

Professor Yu Xinjie presided over the appointment ceremony

Speech by Professor Kang Chongqing
Academician Joe H. Chow mentioned in his speech that Tsinghua University is an outstanding institution of higher learning in China. He is honored to be an outstanding visiting professor of Tsinghua University and hopes that he can make contributions in the cooperation with Tsinghua University.He can’t participate in the ceremony offline due to theCOVID-19,but hestill looks forward to experiencing the atmosphere of Tsinghua after thepandemicis over.

Speech by Academician Joe H. Chow
Then, Professor Kang Chongqinggranted a letter of appointment to Academician Joe H. Chow by way of videojointing.

Professor Kang Chongqinggranted the letter of appointment to Academician Joe H. Chow
After the appointment ceremony, Professor Xie Xiaorong of the Department of Electrical Engineering presided over the Academician Joe H. Chow’s special academiclecturethemed“Reflections on 4 Decades ofResearchin Power Systems”. Thelecture is divided into two parts. In the first part, Academician Joe H. Chow summarized his past research in power system homology, use of flexible AC transmission systems for damping control, the operation of the convertible static compensator in central New York, and the application of synchrophasor data. In the second part, Academician Joe H. Chow introduced his team’s recent research in controlling wind turbines to improve the stability of the power system.

Professor Xie Xiaorong presided over the special academiclecture
Academician Joe H. Chow gave an academiclecture
Joe H. Chow is an academicianof theUnited StatesNational Academy of Engineering, an IEEE Fellow, and a foreign member of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering. He receivedtwo bachelor’s degrees in electrical engineering and mathematics from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, and a master’sdegreeandadoctorate degree in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He once worked for General Electric Company in the United States and joined Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1987. He was the acting dean of the Department of Electrical,Computer and Systems Engineering, the associate dean of the School of Engineering responsible for scientific research andpostgraduate projects, and the acting dean of the School of Engineering. He is currently a research professor and campus director of the Center for Ultra-wide-area Resilient Electric Energy Transmission Networks, U.S.National Science Foundation/U.S. Department of Energy. Since 2021, he has been hired as an outstanding visiting professor of Tsinghua University for a three-year term.He is mainly engaged in the research inpower system modeling and control and synchrophasor data analysis. He has won the Donald Eckman Award from the Automatic Control Committee of the United States, the Control System Technology Award from the IEEE Control System Association and the Charles Concordia Power System Engineering Award from the IEEE Power and Energy Association.