In January 2021, the IEEE Power Electronics Society (IEEE PELS) announced the list of scholars elected into 2021-2022 IEEE PELS Distinguished Lecturer Program on its official website ( In the Distinguished Lecturer Program this year, a total of 4 people from all over the world were elected, including: Associate Professor Sun Kai of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics of Tsinghua University, Professor Jian Sun of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the United States, Professor Petar J. Grbovi Qing of University of Innsbruck in Austria, and Dr. Brij N. Singh of John & Deere in the United States.

The Distinguished Lecturer Program, with lecturerselected and supported by IEEE, is organized and implemented by each IEEE society. Every year, IEEE PELS elects a number of professionals who have made important achievements in the field of power electronics as outstanding lecturers to support PELS activities around the world through lectures and seminars, etc.

Sun Kai, Associate Professor, doctoral Supervisor and Assistant Dean of EEA, Tsinghua University and Director of the Institute of Power Electronics and Motor Systems. He's mainly engaged in the research on power electronics technology in new energy system and multi-energy microgrid. He has published 3 monographs and more than 300 papers, including more than 70 papers on IEEE/IET journals. He has won the Delta Young Scholar Award in 2013 and the Youth Award of the Science and Technology Award of China Power Supply Society in 2017, and was elected IET Fellow in 2019. He is currently a senior member of IEEE, vice chairman of the Asia-Pacific Region of IEEE PELS, chairman of IEEE PELS Beijing Branch, secretary of the Technical Committee of IEEE PELS Power Electronic Grid System, and IEEE Trans., Associate Editor of Power Electronics, Associate Editor of IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Associate Editor of CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications, and Associate Editor of Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering. He was the chairman of Publicity at the IEEE ECCE2020 Conference, chairman of the Organizing Committee of the IEEE eGrid2019 , vice chairman of the Technical Procedure Committee of IEEE ECCE2017, and the co-chairman of the 2018 IEEE International Future Energy Challenge (IFEC2018). In this "Distinguished Lecturer Program", Associate Professor Sun Kai prepared three academic reports entitled "Advanced Bi-directional DC-DC Converters in Battery Energy Storage Systems", "Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids: Configuration, Control and Future Development" and "Power Conversion Technology for Renewable Energy Systems Integrated into Medium Voltage DC Grids" for each PELS society.