On the afternoon of April 2, 2021, the launching ceremony of the 2021 Young Teacher Salon and the “Young Teacher Career Development Mentor System” of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics was held in Conference Room 102, District 3, West Main Building. Deputy Director Tian Jing andDeputy Director Guo Qinglai of theTeacher Development Center, Dean Kang Chongqing, Department Party Committee Secretary Yu Xinjie, Department Party Committee Deputy Secretary Wu Wenchuan, DeputyDean Lu Chao, the first batch of professional development mentors Zhao Zhengming, Zeng Rong, Wang Xinxin and Sun Kai, newly recruited young teachers Ji Shiqi, Wu Jinpeng, Fu Yangyang, and more than 30 young teachersof the Department of Electrical Engineeringand Applied Electronicsparticipated. The event was hosted byDeanKang Chongqing.

Kang Chongqing,Dean ofthe Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics, presided over the event
Tian Jing, deputy director of the Teacher Development Center, introduced the motivation for the establishment of thementor system in theuniversity, reviewed the development process and beneficial experience of thementor system abroad, and hoped that the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics, as the firstmentor system pilot unit inTsinghua University, will actively explore system innovation,help young teachers grow, and accumulate valuable experience for the promotion ofmentor system in the wholeuniversity.

Tian Jing,DeputyDirector of the Teacher Development Center, delivered a speech
Yu Xinjie, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics, introduced the goals and implementation plan of thementor system for young teachers in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics. In line with the purpose of fully mobilizing teacher development resources and paying attention to the growth of young teachers, young teachersare providedwith in-depth guidancebya group of teachers or external experts who haveenough experience and abilities and are willing to participate in teacher development work, helped toadapt to the working environment, realize role conversion, develop professional abilities, and promoted to grow effectively.

Yu Xinjie, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics, delivered a speech
Tian Jing and Yu Xinjie jointlyawarded letters of appointment to the first batch of young teachers’ career developmentmentors. Wu Jinpengdelivered a speech on behalf of the newly recruited young teachers,especially thanked the Teacher Development Center and the Department of Electrical Engineeringand Applied Electronicsfor their care and assistance to young teachers, and said thatthey would humbly seek advice fromthe mentors and other senior teachers. Zhao Zhengmingdelivered a speech on behalf ofthe mentors, andsaid that thementor system is a powerful measure to accurately train young teachers, it is an honor to be the first batch of young teachers in theDepartment, mentor is not only an honor, but also a responsibility, and he hoped that young teachers cangrow in three stages: 1) Try hard to condense their own value in the first ten years; 2) Create more social value in the second ten years; 3)Explore the futurevaluein the third ten years. Ina concluding speech, Kang Chongqing,Dean of the Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics,expressed his appreciation to the TeacherDevelopmentCenter forfully trusting intheDepartment and taking the Department as atest field for thementor system of theuniversity. The Department of Electrical Engineeringand Applied Electronicswill actively explore the inherent laws of thementor system, innovate working models, provide guarantee conditions, andsupport the career development of young teachers.

Tian Jing and Yu Xinjieawarded letters of appointment to Zhao Zhengming and Sun Kai, whowill beJi Shiqi’s mentors

Tian Jing and Yu Xinjieawarded letters of appointment to Zeng Rong and Guo Qinglai, whowill be Wu Jinpeng’s mentors

Tian Jing and Yu Xinjieawarded letters of appointment to Wang Xinxin, whowill be Fu Yangyang’s mentor
After the launching ceremony of the “Young TeacherCareer Development Mentor System”, Wu Wenchuan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee,and Lu Chao, Deputy Dean of the Department of Electrical Engineeringand Applied Electronics organized young teachers to learn thespirit of Secretary General Xi Jinping’simportant speechon the major decision of“Carbon peaking and carbon neutralizing” as well as the“New power system centered at new energies”.Associate Professor Lin Jin and Assistant Professor Wu Jinpeng, taking their own cross-discipline research as examples, delivered speeches titled“Electricity to Hydrogen— Transformation of Research in the Energy Internet” and“Energy Electrical Material Research Based onSynchrotron Radiation Spectroscopy” in combination with the dual-carbon goals and the major demand for constituting a new power system. The young teachers who participated in the salon enthusiastically gave speeches and suggestions for the realization of the dual-carbon goals and theconstruction of a new power systemby ways of research reorientation,scientific research platform construction,innovatingtalent cultivation and discipline connotation development.

At the Meeting