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On the morning of April 27, the appointment ceremony and lecture for Haris Gačanin, Chair Professor and Head of the Distributed Signal Processing Department at RWTH Aachen University, as a Distinguished Visiting Professor of Tsinghua University were held in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics (EEA). Professor Kang Chongqing, Dean of EEA, presented the distinguished visiting professor certificate to Haris Gačanin. The ceremony and lecture were attended by Deputy Dean Zheng Zedong, Deputy Party Secretary Yu Zhanqing and researcher Ci Song of EEA.

Professor Kang Chongqing Presenting the Distinguished Visiting Professor Certificate to Haris Gačanin

After the appointment ceremony, Professor Haris Gačanin delivered an invited academic lecture titled “The Vision Interactive Industries: Challenges of Efficient Communications and Computing.” In his lecture, Professor Gačanin systematically discussed the research challenges and opportunities in developing wireless systems as the next-generation communication and computing infrastructure. He covered topics such as wireless extended reality technology, the integration of digital twins, and artificial intelligence in wireless systems, summarizing the research challenges in supporting future immersive internet through next-generation communication and computing infrastructure.

Haris Gačanin delivering an academic lecture

On the afternoon of April 27, the Department of Electrical Engineering hosted the Sino-German Information Energy International Academic Seminar, with the theme “Information-energy Fusion Approach for Sustainable ICT.” Researcher Ci Song chaired the seminar and delivered the keynote report. Participants included Professor Haris Gačanin from RWTH Aachen University, Associate Professor Zhang Ning from Tsinghua University, and Associate Professor Liang Junrui from ShanghaiTech University, who each delivered keynote reports. Additionally, experts at the seminar introduced the research achievements funded by the Sino-German Science Foundation, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Joint Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation. Following the reports, attendees engaged in in-depth discussions on hot topics such as the application scenarios of information-energy fusion methods in sustainable ICT.

Group photo of participants

Professor Haris Gačanin, an IEEE Fellow, received his Ph.D. from the Research Institute of Electrical Communication at Tohoku University, Japan, in 2008. He continued his postdoctoral and assistant professor research at Tohoku University as a JSPS Research Fellow (2008-2010) before joining Bell Labs (Belgium), where he served as a physical layer research expert and lab director (2010-2020). In 2020, Professor Gačanin was appointed Chair Professor of the Distributed Signal Processing Department and Director of the Institute of Communication Technology and Embedded Systems at RWTH Aachen University. He has over a decade of R&D experience in the industry and extensive academic research experience, focusing on signal processing and artificial intelligence technologies and their applications in wireless communications. He serves as an associate editor for international journals such as IEEE Communications Magazine, IEICE Transactions on Communications, and IET Communications, and holds positions as chair and technical committee member for various IEEE conferences.

RWTH Aachen University (German: Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, English: RWTH Aachen University), established in 1870, is located in Aachen, Germany. RWTH Aachen is a member of the IDEA League, one of European top engineering schools, one of the 11 German Universities of Excellence, and a member of the TU9 group of leading technical universities in Germany.

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