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On May 30, Don Tan, IEEE Fellow and Chairman of the IEEE Transportation Electrification Council,  was appointed as a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University. The appointment ceremony was held in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics (EEA). Attendees included Yu Xinjie, Party Secretary of EEA; Yu Zhanqing, Deputy Party Secretary; faculty member Ji Shiqi; Cui Bin from the State Key Laboratory of New Type Power System Operation and Control; and Dai Jing, Qin Peixin, and Wang Xi from the Energy Internet Innovation Research Institute. The ceremony was hosted by Sun Kai, Assistant Dean of EEA.

Yu Xinjie presenting the Distinguished Visiting Professor Certificate to Don Tan

At the ceremony, Yu Zhanqing introduced Dr. Don Tan’s academic background and major contributions, highlighting his outstanding achievements in ultra-efficient power conversion and energy systems. Yu Xinjie presented Don Tan with the Tsinghua University Distinguished Visiting Professor certificate and expressed hopes for future collaboration.

Group photo of faculty at the Appointment Ceremony


Don Tan delivering an Academic Lecture

Following the appointment ceremony, Don Tan delivered a specialized academic lecture titled “Super Fast Charging Technology and Ubiquitous Infrastructure” in Meeting Room 102. In his lecture, Don Tan detailed the latest advancements in various charging technologies and infrastructure development for electric vehicles. After the lecture, participating faculty and students engaged in a lively discussion with Don Tan on the global trends and challenges in transportation electrification.

Dr. Don Tan received his Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology in 1993. He has held various positions, including Assistant Researcher at the University of Victoria in Canada, Assistant Researcher at Caltech, Senior Design Engineer at QSC Audio Products, Senior Engineer at TRW S&EG, Senior Department Manager at NGST, and Distinguished Engineer at NGSS. He currently serves as an IEEE Fellow, Chairman of the IEEE Transportation Electrification Council, Chair of the IEEE Fellow Advisory and Oversight Subcommittee, and Vice Chair of the IEEE Industry Engagement Committee.

Dr. Don Tan has previously served as President of the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS), a member of the IEEE Board of Directors, Chair of the IEEE PELS eGrid Steering Committee, and Chair of IEEE Division II. He was the founding Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Chair of the APEC Conference, Operations Vice Chair of PELS, and Guest Editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics and IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. Additionally, he chaired the IEEE/ANSI Joint Standards Working Group, where he helped establish the IEEE/ANSI 1515/1573 standards.

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