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On April 20th, guided by National Graduate College for Engineers, Tsinghua University, and organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics (EEA), Tsinghua University and the Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute, with the co-sponsorship of the Tsinghua University Innovation Leading Engineering Doctoral Program Science and Technology Association and the Party and Mass Work Department of the Tianfu New District in Sichuan, the “Tsinghua University Innovation Leading Engineering Doctoral Program Southwest Region Talent Development Seminar and 11th Engineering Doctoral Forum” was successfully held in the Tianfu New District of Sichuan.

Opening ceremony

Guests including Zhang Zongliang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and chief scientist of the State Grid Corporation of China, Huang Lei, Deputy Minister and Level-One Researcher of the Party and Mass Work Department of the Tianfu New Area, Li Daixin, Director of the Talent Division of the Party and Mass Work Department of the Tianfu New Area, and Chen Yongcan, former Party Secretary of Southwest Petroleum University, professor at Tsinghua University, and chief scientist of the Smart Hydropower and Basin Safety Laboratory at the Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute, along with professors and academic affairs teachers from National Graduate College for Engineers, Tsinghua University and EEA, mentors of the Innovation Leading Engineering Doctoral Program, and doctoral students from the 2019-2023 cohorts, totaling more than 100 people, gathered together to explore the path of integrating industry and education in the training of engineering doctoral students.

Huang Lei, Deputy Minister and Level-One Researcher of the Party and Mass Work Department of the Tianfu New District, Lu Zongxiang, Standing Vice President of the Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute, and Luo Guorong, Director of the Full-Process Management of the Innovation Leading Engineering Doctoral Program at National Graduate College for Engineers, Tsinghua University, delivered speeches at the event.

Address by Huang Lei

In his address, Huang Lei expressed that after nearly a decade of construction and development, the Tianfu New District has become the most vibrant and promising land for development in the Midwest region and even across the country. The Tianfu New District has always regarded talents as the primary resource, providing a platform for young talents to build their careers and offering favorable policy environments and high-quality support services. He warmly hoped that Tsinghua University would continue to care for and support the Tianfu New District, investing more innovative resources and transforming more scientific and technological achievements into the Tianfu New District.

Address by Lu Zongxiang

Lu Zongxiang introduced the construction of the Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute as the regional training base for the Southwest region project and expressed the hope that this event could explore more effective new models and paths for the training of Innovation Leading Engineering Doctoral Program students. The Research Institute will also do its utmost to provide service and support for the regional training base, contribute to the development of the Southwest region project, and provide strong backing for the smooth progress of doctoral students’ studies.

Address by Luo Guorong

Luo Guorong mentioned that the organization of the Innovation Leading Engineering Doctoral Program Southwest Region Project has been strong, distinctive, and gradually increasing in social influence. The holding of this event is timely and of great practical significance for meeting the development requirements of building and matching new productive forces and innovative engineering fields. He hoped that everyone would work together to further elevate the construction of the Southwest Region Project and contribute Tsinghua’s doctoral power to promoting the country’s self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology and the regional social development.

Subsequently, Wang Jia, Director of Human Resources at the Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute and Director of the Education and Training Center, and Shen Chen, professor at EEA, member of the Engineering Doctoral Professional Degree Evaluation Sub-Committee, and leader of the Energy Dynamics professional degree category expert group, respectively, gave detailed introductions on the construction of the regional base and project training work, and the requirements of the Innovation Leading Engineering Doctoral Program degree.

Special lecture by Zhang Zongliang


Keynote Speeches (From left to right, from top to bottom: Zhang Pinjia, Xie Yi, Wu Kecheng, Wu Haijun)

At the event, Academician Zhang Zongliang delivered a special lecture titled “Hydro BIM Key Technologies and the Safe Application of Hydraulic and Hydroelectric Engineering”. Professor Zhang Pinjia from EEA, Xie Yi, Standing Committee Member and Chief Engineer of the Party Committee of the China Railway Second Institute Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Wu Kecheng, Manager of the Planning Department of the Strategic Planning Division of the Southern Power Grid Company (online), and Wu Haijun, doctoral student from the 2022 cohort (Southwest Region Project) and General Manager of Kunming Guiyan New Material Technology Co., Ltd., respectively, presented keynote speeches titled “Research on Intelligent Perception Technology for Electrical Systems”, “Technological Innovation and Practice of the Chengdu-Chongqing High-speed Railway”, “Development of Distribution Networks Adapted to the Wide Integration of Generation, Load, and Storage”, and “Application Development of Precious Metals in High-end Equipment”, bringing forth an academic feast for the attendees.

In the afternoon of the 20th, the 11th Engineering Doctoral Forum of EEA and the Talent Development Seminar of the Tsinghua University Innovation Leading Engineering Doctoral Program Southwest Region Project were held concurrently, providing not only opportunities for the Innovation Leading Engineering Doctoral Program to showcase and exchange ideas but also injecting new vitality into the promotion of regional training base construction.

Through this event, the Southwest Region Project actively explored distinctive models and pathways for talent development, clarified its goals and positioning in the new era and context, laying a solid foundation for further supporting the high-quality development of the Tsinghua University Innovation Leading Engineering Doctoral Program.

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