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Recently, the National Natural Science Foundation of China announced the list of projects approved for the 2023 National Natural Science Foundation Young Student Basic Research Project (for Ph.D. students). Ph.D. students Huang Zhiwen (supervised by Professor He Jinliang) and Li Hang (supervised by Associate Professor Yi Chenyi) from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics (EEA), Tsinghua University were successfully granted projects.

Huang Zhiwen

Huang Zhiwen is a Ph.D. student specializing in high voltage and insulation technology, enrolled in 2020. Under the supervision of Professor He Jinliang, he has already published 11 high-quality SCI/EI cited papers as the first author, obtained two national invention patents, and received the Excellent Paper Award at the ICEMPE International Conference. As a key student researcher, he has participated in various research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation Innovation Research Group Project and the National Key Research and Development Program, demonstrating outstanding research potential. His funded project, titled “Research on Customized Nonlinear Electric Field Control Composite Materials Based on Electrostatic Spinning”, aims to develop customized nonlinear composite materials for optimizing and controlling electric fields in power equipment through electrostatic spinning. This research intends to overcome the bottleneck problem associated with traditional nonlinear materials, further promote the industrial application of nonlinear materials, and support the improvement of the reliability and manufacturing process breakthroughs of power equipment.

Li Hang

Li Hang is a Ph.D. student from the Electrical New Technology Research Institute, enrolled in 2020, under the supervision of Associate Professor Yi Chenyi. His research focuses on perovskite optoelectronic devices. During his Ph.D. studies, Li Hang has published four academic papers as the first/co-first author and participated in several research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation General Project and the National Key Research and Development Program. His funded project, titled “Large-area High-performance Perovskite X-ray Detector by Vacuum Deposition”, aims to develop a large-area, high-sensitivity, low-detection-limit perovskite X-ray detector using gas-phase deposition technology. This research aims to explore the detector's structural design, process control of gas-phase deposition, development of planar array detectors, and high-resolution imaging. The project seeks to develop high-sensitivity, low-detection-limit, large-area perovskite X-ray detectors, investigate their working characteristics, and address scientific issues in the field.

The National Natural Science Foundation Young Student Basic Research Project (Ph.D. students) was first piloted in 2023. This project deeply implements the new concepts, deployments and measures regarding talent work in the new era proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, fulfills the requirements for the coordinated development of education, science, and talent, and focuses on selecting outstanding Ph.D. students with strong development potential and solid foundations in scientific research. Within the scope of funding provided by the National Natural Science Foundation, these students are supported as project leaders to undertake scientific fund projects, independently choose research directions for basic and interdisciplinary research, and are given more opportunities to take on major roles, emphasizing the cultivation of their ability to independently conduct scientific research, enhance their interest in research, stimulate innovative thinking, and improve their scientific literacy, thereby providing a high-quality talent reserve for building a high-level basic research team. The project adopts a “recommendation + review” model, implementing multiple stages of selection, evaluation, and determination of funded projects through individual applications, school recommendations, commission reviews, and conference reviews. The approved projects in this round receive funding of CNY 300,000 each.


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