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A delegation from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics (EEA) at Tsinghua University visited the Northeast Division of the State Grid Corporation on the morning of December 8, engaging in technical exchanges regarding the construction of the new type power system in Northeast China. The delegation included Kang Chongqing, Dean of EEA, along with researchers Zhu Guiping, Hu Wei, Xu Fei, Huang Songling, Ci Song, Chen Lei, Pang Haitian, Li Zibo, and others from EEA, Tsinghua University Energy Internet Innovation Research Institute, Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute, and the State Key Laboratory of Operation and Control of New Type Power Systems.

During the visit, the delegation, led by Kang Chongqing, visited the Power Dispatching Control Center of the State Grid Northeast Division to study the development of the power grid in Northeast China. Officials from the control center provided detailed explanations, highlighting that the proportion of new energy generation reached 40% of the total electricity generated in the Northeast power grid on the highest single day. Subsequently, Kang Chongqing and the delegation held discussions with key leaders from the State Grid Northeast Division, including Director Dong Tianren, Deputy Director Wang Bin, and heads of departments such as Development and Planning, Biological Technology, Dispatch Center, and Power Grid Technology Center. Dong Tianren, on behalf of all the staff of the State Grid Northeast Division, warmly welcomed the visit of Kang Chongqing and his delegation. He pointed out that the State Grid Northeast Division has maintained close cooperation with EEA for many years. Over the past thirty years, they have jointly completed several national-level important science and technology projects, receiving multiple national awards for scientific and technological progress. Dong Tianren sincerely thanked EEA for its long-term assistance and support. He expressed the hope for further cooperation in scientific and technological innovation, talent cultivation, and other aspects, deepening collaboration to provide strong support for the implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s proposal for the Northeast region to “construct integrated energy bases for wind, light, nuclear, and storage; accelerate the demonstration and construction of new power grids and power export channels”.

A symposium between two sides

In response, Kang Chongqing stated that over the years, the deepening collaboration between Tsinghua University’s “one department, two institutes, one office, and one alliance” and the State Grid Northeast Division has achieved fruitful results. He pointed out that the State Grid Northeast Division’s development of new energy has made significant progress, and the power grid construction faces unprecedented development opportunities. The collaboration between Tsinghua University’s “one department, two institutes, one office, and one alliance” and the State Grid Northeast Division will focus on the major needs of Northeast power, strengthening all-round cooperation in scientific and technological innovation, talent cultivation, and think tank construction. Kang Chongqing emphasized the commitment to improving communication mechanisms, innovating cooperation models, and wholeheartedly contributing Tsinghua’s wisdom and strength to the construction and practice of the new type power system in Northeast China.

Technical Exchange Report

Following the discussions, an academic exchange symposium was held, where representatives from Tsinghua University presented six specialized technical reports, addressing topics such as “Multi-Energy Intelligent Complementation and Optimal Operation for Large Power Grids Aimed at New Energy Consumption”, “Non-Destructive Testing of Defects and Fatigue States of Key Components in Power Systems”, “Hundred-Megawatt Dynamic Reconfigurable Battery Energy Storage Technology”, “Primary Frequency Coordinated Control and Online Monitoring Technology for Dual High Power Systems”, “Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in the Construction of New Type Power Systems”, and “Work Report on Safety Panoramic Monitoring of Typical Scenarios in New Power Systems”. The reports were followed by extensive exchanges and discussions.

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