In order to promotethecommunication amongpostgraduatementors, constitute anormalized training system forpostgraduatementors,tutors and constantly improve thequality ofpostgraduate training,the Postgraduate Teaching Union of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics held a discussion and exchange meeting for all postgraduate mentors of the department in Room 102, Zone 3 of the West Main Building on October 27, 2021. Three teachers, namelyXie Xiaorong, Guo Qinglai, and Sun Kaidelivered wonderful reports. The meeting was presided over by Zhu Guiping, deputydean of the Department, and 23 mentors for postgraduates of the Department attended the meeting.
The Department of Electrical Engineeringand Applied Electronicslaunched the “Mentor System for Occupational Development ofYoung Teachers”, and this meeting of discussion and exchange of mentors for postgraduates is also one of the serial activities of the mentor system.

At the exchanging meeting
During the meeting, Xie Xiaorongshared his views on how to choose good student, how to find good students, how to cultivate students well based on his own experience on training postgraduates, daily performance and personal findings, and he suggested honestly getting along with students with a “parental heart” in daily life.
GuoQinglai believes thatto guidedoctoral students is essentiallyto exploreunknown areas withstudents andfind the “optimal solution”.Similarly to solving optimization problems,it is also necessary to choose the initial value, find the right direction,keep the rhythmwellfor different stages, andcorrectly control the “step length” in guiding doctoral students.
Sun Kai started from the training ofpostgraduate students in the discipline of power electronics, and deeply analyzed the ideal guidance model and the issues that should be paid attention to at different stages such as enrollment, training, and graduation.
In thereport session of the three teachers, all participating teachersdiscussed how to better mobilize the enthusiasm of the students,how to improve the students’ practical ability in projects,how toselect the best students in innovation, self-discipline, communication, and collaboration, andhow to create a goodmentoring environment with studentsin the spirit of “toteach as to parent”, andthey exchanged their ideas warmly at the meeting.

Xie Xiaorongshared views in his report

Guo Qinglai shared views in his report

Sun Kai shared views in his report