1. Yingduo Han, Zhonghong Wang and Huaijin Chen, Power System Optimal Distributed Coordinated Control, Tsinghua University Press, 1997
2. Qiang Lu, Zhonghong Wang and Yingduo Han, Optimal Control of Electric Power Transmission System, Chinese Science Press, 1982
1. Han Ying-duo, Lu Qiang,Feng Ken-lie, Chen Shu-chum: Application of an optimal excitation control to improve the long distance transmission system stability. Journal of Tsinghua University, 1978, 2:68-85.
2. G.Hosemann, Han Ying-duo: Analysis of Power-Frequency Dynamic Process in Extended Transmission Systems. Archiv fuer Elektrotechnik 65, 1982, 327-339.
3. Ying-duo Han, Zhong-hong Wang, Wen-jin Cui et al., An Experience of Fast Valving Control. CIGRE, 25-31 Aug. 1996, Paris.
4. Ying-duo Han ,Lin-cheng Xiu, et al, Artifical Neural Networks Controlled Fast Valving in a Power Generation Plant. IEEE Trans. On Neural Networks, 8(2), March 1997.
5. Han Ying-duo, Wang Zhong-hong, et al: Three new front subjects causing greatly revolutionary in power systems - FACTS, Intelligent Control and a New generation dynamic security analysis and monitor system based on GPS. Journal of Tsinghua University (Sci & Tech), 37(7), 1997.
6. M. Wong, Z. Zhao, Y. Han, L. Zhao: 3-Dimension Pulse-Width Modulation Technique in 3-Level Power Inverters for 3-Phase 4-Wired System, IEEE Trans. ON Power Electronics, May 2001, vol.16, No.3, p418-427
7. Ning-Yi Dai, Man-Chung Wong, Ying-Duo Han, “Application of a three-level NPC inverter as a three-phase four-wire power quality compensator by generalized 3DSVM”, IEEE Trans. Power Electronics. Vol.21, pp.440-449, March 2006.
8. Yingduo Han, Chao Lu, Licheng Li. Wide-area Measurement System and its Applications in Power System Stability and Control, Chinese Power, 2006.
9. Xie X., Xiao J., Lu C. and Han Y. . Wide-area stability control for damping interarea oscillations of interconnected power systems. IEE Proceedings - Generation, Transmission and Distribution. 2006, September 153(5): 507-514.
10. Yingduo Han, Jianfeng Yan, Xiaorong Xie, Lili Li, Online Identification of the Dominant Dynamic Parameters in Power System Electromechanical Progress. Proceedings of CSEE, 2006, 26(2): 1-6.
1. Harmonic Current Prediction Method used to Compensate Control Time Delay, ZL 2007 1 0118109.5, authorized in 2009
2. Electrical Measurement Method of Synchronized Generator No-load Potential Phasor, ZL 02 1 30955.8, authorized in 2005
3. Voltage Compensation Method for Series Power Quality Compensator, ZL 02 1 17082.7, authorized in 2004
1. Honorary Chair of the IEEE 6th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC), 2009, Wuhan, China.
2. Member of the International Advisory Commission of the International Conference on Power System Control, Operation and Management, Hong Kong, 1991 and 1993
3. Member of the International Advisory Commission of the International Academic Meeting of Power Engineering, Singapore, 1993 and 1995
4. Member of the International Technical Commission of the International Conference on Power System Technology, Beijing, 1994
5. Member of the International Advisory Commission of the International Conference on Power Electronics and Driving System, Singapore, 1995
6. Member of the International Technical Commission of the International Conference on Power Electronics, Japan, 1995
Keynote Speeches:
1. Series Capacitor Compensation and Damping of Sub-Sychronus Oscilations.
Keynote Speech in the 1st International Electric Power Security Development and Emergency Management Forum, Beijing, 2009
2. Power System Damping Control based on WAMS, Keynote Speech in the
5th International Conference on Power Transmission and Distribution Technology, Beijing, 2005.
3. Novel Security and Defense Framework for Regional Power System, Keynote Speech in the Academic General Meeting of Beijing Society for Electrical Engineering, 2004
4. The Applications and Development Trends of Power Electronics Technologies in Power System, Keynote Speech in the Science and Technology Conference of Five Province in West China, Yinchuan, 2004
5. The Problems and Countermeasures of Chinese Power System, Keynote Speech in the Modern Power Grid Novel Technology Conference, Beijing, 2004
6. Analysis and Measures of Transient Voltage Instability in Three Large Load Centers, Keynote Speech in the 4th International Conference on Power Transmission & Distribution Technology, Changsha, 2003
7. New Generation of Dynamic Security Monitoring System based on PMU/WAMS, Keynote Speech in the 5th International Power System Emerging Technology Seminar, Beijing, 2002
8. Power System Stability and Control, Keynote Speech in the Forum of Chinese High Technology in 21 Century, Beijing, 2001.
9. Information and Flexible Transmission and Distribution Power Technologies, Keynote Speech in the Academic General Meeting of Power System and Its Automation in Universities, Jilin, 2000.
10. Three Innovative Emerging Researches in Modern Power Syste: Flexible Power Transmission, Intelligent Control and Novel Dynamic Security Monitoring based on GPS. Keynote Speech in the Academic General Meeting of Power System and Its Automation in Universities, Baoding, 1996.