Dear President Wang, Party Secretary Qiu, Professor Kang,and dear students and colleagues at Tsinghua University.My name isProfessor Sir Jim McDonald.And I'm Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Strathclyde,as well as having the privilege of being the President of the Royal Academy of Engineering in the United Kingdom.On behalf of the University of Strathclyde and our entire community of engineers,I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to you allon the 90thanniversary of the Department of Electrical Engineering at Tsinghua University.
And I always keep my eyes at developments at Tsinghua Universityand the ongoing progress of your Electrical Engineering Department. It really has been encouraging to see your strategic advances in education and research over the last 12 years. It has been most impressive to see the rapid progress in China's electrical power system in recent years. And I am aware thatthe staffs and students in electrical engineering at Tsinghua have made significant and distinctive contributions in that progress. Of course, some of your professors have become internationally known for the academic achievements and industrial applications. And many congratulations for that.
In November last yearmy hometown of Glasgow in Scotlandhad the great honour of hosting the 26th Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework in Combating Climate Change, or COP 26.We all know that achieving great success and delivery of high impact outcomes cannot be achieved without collaboration.And I was greatly encouraged by China's Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality targets announced during COP 26.And this will be essential for the entire world.
However, net zero does not mean deindustrialization or zero gross emissions.Instead, it’s about achieving equilibrium between development and conservation.And this is where the Departments of Electrical Engineering at Tsinghua University and Strathclyde University must continue to jointly apply our greatest efforts.
Indeed,ourtwo universities to collaborate on low carbon energy and power system research.Also addressing innovation and industrial applications in the highly valued area of electrical engineering. This will help us combat the risks of climate change, and build a smarter and more sustainable world.
I’d like to conclude my best wishes for the quote, and that isThink in systemsand don't be overwhelmed by thembecause you are a part of them.Once again, Happy Birthday to the Department of Electrical Engineering at Tsinghua.Sheng Ri Kuai Le,Dian Ji Xi.Thank you.