1. 国际期刊论文:
[1] Jiawei Zhang, Jiaxin Wang , Ning Zhang, Peng Wang, Yating Wang, Chen Fang. Droop Coefficient Placements for Grid-side Energy Storage Considering Nodal Frequency Constraints under Large Disturbances[J]. Applied Energy. Early Access, 2024.
[2] Yuchen Fang, Ershun Du, Haoyi Wang, Peng Wang, Yidan Chen, Ning Zhang. Dynamic frequency control strategy for the CSP plant in power systems with low inertia[J]. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2023, 17(12): 3063-3074.
[3] Haiyang Jiang, Ershun Du, Boyu He, Ning Zhang, Peng Wang, Fuqiang Li, Jie Ji. Analysis and Modeling of Seasonal Characteristics of Renewable Energy Generation, Renewable Energy, 2023, 219: 119414.
[4] Haiyang Jiang, Ershun Du, Ning Zhang, Zhenyu Zhuo, Peng Wang, Zhidong Wang, and Yan Zhang. Renewable electric energy system planning considering seasonal electricity imbalance risk, in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2023, 38(6): 5432-5444.
[5] Peng Wang, Zhongjing Ma, Mingdi Shao et al. Data-driven Energy Management in Residential Areas Leveraging Demand Response[J], Energy and buildings, Energy and Buildings, 2022, 269: 112235.
[6] Peng Wang, Suli Zou, Jinhui Zhang and Zhongjing Ma. Robust Charging and Discharging Coordination of Electric Vehicles with State Dynamics Uncertainties[J], International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS), 2022, 20(7): 2120-2128.
[7] Ning Zhang, Haiyang Jiang, Ershun Du, Zhenyu Zhuo, Peng Wang, Zhidong Wang, Yan Zhang. An Efficient Power System Planning Model Considering Year-round Hourly Operation Simulation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2022, 37(6):4925-4935.
[8] Peng Wang, Ershun Du, Ning Zhang, et al. Power system planning with high renewable energy penetration considering demand response[J]. Global Energy Interconnection, 2021, 4(1): 69-80.
[9] Jiawei Zhang, Peng Wang, Ning Zhang. Frequency Regulation From Distributed Energy Resource Using Cloud-Edge Collaborations Under Wireless Environments. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021, 13(1): 367-380.
[10] Jiawei Zhang, Peng Wang, Ning Zhang. Distribution Network Admittance Matrix Estimation With Linear Regression. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021, 36(5): 4896-4899.
[11] Zou S, Ma Z, Wang P, et al. Stackelberg game-based decentralised supply chain coordination considering both futures and spot markets[J]. International Journal of Control, 2020, 93(12): 2804-2813.
[12] Xu Zhou, Suli Zou, Peng Wang, et al. ADMM-based coordination of electric vehicles in constrained distribution networks considering fast charging and degradation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020, 22(1): 565-578.
[13] Xu Zhou, Suli Zou, Peng Wang, et al. Voltage regulation in constrained distribution networks by coordinating electric vehicle charging based on hierarchical ADMM. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2020, 14(17): 3444-3457.
[14] Peng Wang, Suli Zou, Zhongjing Ma, Parallel Demand Side Auction Mechanism for Dynamic and Efficient Resource Allocation[J], IET Control Theory & Applications, 2019, 13(15): 2399-2406.
[15] Peng Wang, Suli Zou, Zhongjing Ma, A Partial Augmented Lagrangian Method for Decentralized Electric Vehicle Charging in Capacity-Constrained Distribution Networks, IEEE ACCESS, 2019, 7: 118229-118238.
[16] Peng Wang, Suli Zou, Xiaojuan Wang and Zhongjing Ma, A Stackelberg Game Approach for Price Response Coordination of Thermostatically Controlled Loads, Applied sciences, 2018, 8(8): 1370.
2. 国内期刊论文:
[1] 王鹏,魏招毅,周保荣等. 考虑火电有序退役的源-网-储协同多阶段规划方法[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2023, accepted
[2] 潘建辉,张宁,雍培,王鹏.面向海量灵活性资源的两阶段分布式协同调度方法[J].电力系统自动化, 2023,47(15):67-79.
[3] 李姚旺,张宁,张世旭,刘昱良,杜尔顺,王鹏,肖伟,慈松.面向电力系统的多能源云储能模式:基本概念与研究展望[J].中国电机工程学报, 2023, 43(06): 2179-2190.
[4] 魏泓屹,卓振宇,张宁,杜尔顺,肖晋宇,王鹏,康重庆. 中国电力系统碳达峰、碳中和转型路径优化与影响因素分析. 电力系统自动化,2022.19(46): 1-12.
[5] 康重庆,杜尔顺,李姚旺,张宁,陈启鑫,郭鸿业,王鹏. 新型电力系统的“碳视角”:科学问题与研究框架[J].电网技术,2022,46(03): 821-833.
3. 国际会议论文:
[1] Ge Y, Liu G, Wang P, et al. “Source-Network-Storage” Collaborative Planning with Dynamic Carbon Emission Factors[C]//2023 International Conference on Power System Technology (PowerCon). IEEE, 2023: 1-6.
[2] Hongyi Wei, Qihuan dong, Peng Wang, et al. Large-Scale EV Integrated Multi-energy System Optimal Dispatch and Carbon Flow Analysis[C]. 2022 12th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES). IEEE, 2022: 543-548.
[3] Peng Wang, Ershun Du, Jingyi Zhang, et al. Improving the accommodation of renewable resources by distributed energy management in a grid-connected system considering multiple demand responses[C]. 2021 International Conference on Power System Technology. IEEE, 2021, pp: 176-181.
[4] Xiaoyan Hu, Yi Ge, Bingjie Li, Ziyang Zhang, Jiaxin Wang, Peng Wang, Ershun Du. Generation-network-storage Collaborative Planning of Jiangsu Power Grid Towards Carbon Neutrality [C]. 2021 International Conference on Power System Technology, 2021, pp. 313-319.
[5] Xu Zhou, Suli Zou, Peng Wang, et al. Optimal Energy Management in Combined Heat and Power System via A Decentralized Consensus-Based ADMM[C]. 21st IFAC World Congress, July 12, 2020 - July 17, 2020, pp: 4026-4031.
[6] Peng Wang, Long Ran, Yunfeng Shao, et al. Charging and discharging control of plug-in electric vehicles with uncertainties via robust model predictive control method[C]. 2017 36th Chinese Control Conference (CCC). IEEE, 2017, pp. 2644-2650.