报告题目:Big Data Paradigm For Risk-based Predictive Asset And Outage Management
报 告 人:Prof. Mladen Kezunovic
Dr. Mladen Kezunovic is a Regents Professor and Eugene E. Webb endowed Professor at Texas A&M University where he was employed since 1986. Dr. Kezunovic serves several leading roles at the university: Director, Smart Grid Center; Site Director, NSF Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSerc); Director, Power Systems Control and Protection Lab.He is an IEEE Fellow and Distinguished Speaker, CIGRE Fellow and Honorary Member, and registered Professional Engineer in Texas. He is the recipient of the Inaugural 2011 IEEE Educational Activities Board Standards Education Award “for educating students and engineers about the importance and benefits of interoperability standards” and CIGRE Technical Committee Award for "remarkable technical contribution to the study committee B5, protection and automation" in 2013.