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报告题目: Renewable Integration: Challenges and Solutions

报 告 人: 杜鹏伟博士

报告时间: 2016年12月28日, 14:30pm-16:30pm

报告地点: 清华大学西主楼3区102会议室

联 系 人: 郭庆来 62783086


ERCOT is leading the nation with over 17,000 MW installed wind capacity. While renewable electricity future study conducted by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has concluded that there will be no significant technical barriers for renewable resources to supply 80% of total U.S. electricity generation in 2050, some reliability aspects of the power grid still need to be addressed. This talk will focus on the ERCOT’s experiences and present the key changes and improvements we have brought to the ERCOT maker and grid operation to maintain the grid reliability in order to achieve a high penetration of wind generation resources. The lessons learned at ERCOT could be valuable to other regions which anticipate an extremely high share of wind/solar generation in the future.


杜鹏伟博士在德州ISO(Electric Reliability Council of Texas - ERCOT)工作,是新能源的接入与运行的专家。在这之前,杜博士在美国能源部的太平洋西北国家实验室(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)担任高级研究员。杜博士在电力系统的安全分析,运行和电力市场方面积累了丰富的经验。他是IEEE Power and Energy Society的Bulk Power System Planning Sub-committee的副主席,University of Texas at Austin的adjunct faculty。他也是美国能源部国家新能源实验室(National Renewable Energy Laboratory)的电力系统设计和研究的顾问. 他在德州奥斯丁大学,北卡州立大学, 德州理工大学指导多名博士生。在2016,他获得IEEE PES Power System Dynamic Performance Committee的年度最佳论文奖。

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