On December 12, China Electrotechnical Society (CES) announced the winners of the 2024 "Gao Jingde Scientific and Technological Achievement Award." Professor He Jinliang, Director of the High Voltage and Insulation Technology Institute at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics (EEA), was one of the two awardees, honored for his outstanding achievements in electromagnetic transient comprehensive protection, large-capacity DC transmission pipelines, and low-carbon, environmentally friendly power cables, among other advanced power transmission and transformation technologies.
The "Gao Jingde Scientific and Technological Achievement Award" is jointly initiated by CES and Tsinghua University to recognize scientific and technological workers who have made outstanding achievements in the field of electrical engineering. The award, which is given to no more than three recipients each year, has been awarded since 2022.

He Jinliang is an expert in high voltage and insulation technology and has long been engaged in research on power system transmission and transformation technologies. He is the chief scientist of the national 973 project, the leader of the National Natural Science Foundation's innovative research group, a recipient of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, a distinguished professor of the Changjiang Scholars Program, and a participant in the National "Hundred, Thousand, Ten Thousand" Talent Project. He is also a foreign academician of the Bologna Academy of Sciences in Italy, a Fellow of IEEE, CIGRE, IET, and the International High Power Electromagnetic (HPEM) Society, as well as a Fellow of the Chinese Electrotechnical Society. He has received numerous national and international honors, including the Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award, the IEEE Herman Halperin Award (the highest international award in power transmission and transformation technology), the IEEE Technical Achievement Award, the Hoshino Award (Japan), the Rudolf Heinrich Golde Award (Europe), the CIGRE Distinguished Member Award, and the China Electric Power Outstanding Contribution Award.
His achievements have earned him two second-class National Science and Technology Progress Awards, one second-class National Technology Invention Award, one first-class award and nine other first-class provincial and industry-level awards, as well as the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Best Invention Award and the IET Engineering Technology Innovation Award. He has published eight monographs in both Chinese and English, over 400 SCI papers in prestigious international journals like Nature Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, and Engineering, and holds 150 domestic and international patents. He is the chief editor of nine national standards and four international standard guidelines.