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On the morning of March 29, a delegation led by Kang Chongqing, Dean of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics (EEA), Tsinghua University visited State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co., Ltd. The visit focused on discussions related to technological innovation and talent cultivation. Participants from EEA, Tsinghua Energy Internet Innovation Institute, Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute, and the State Key Laboratory for the Operation and Control of New Type Power Systems included Wu Wenchuan, Xu Fei, Gao Wensheng, Hu Wei, Ci Song, Pang Haitian, He Xiaoyi, Li Mingxuan, and Li Bo.

The visit began with an academic exchange seminar, hosted by Li Gang, Chief Engineer of State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co., Ltd. Tsinghua University presented five technical reports tailored to the specific needs of Anhui’s new type power system construction: “Adaptive Networking Control Technology for Renewable Energy Generation Clusters” by Wu Wenchuan, “Dynamic Rapid Modeling and Online Assessment of Frequency Regulation Capability for Thermal Power Units under Complex Regulation Demands” by Xu Fei, “Megawatt-Level Dynamic Reconfigurable Battery Energy Storage Technology” by Ci Song, “Empowering New Power System Construction with Artificial Intelligence Technology” by Pang Haitian, and “Introduction to IoT Products in the Power Grid Industry” by Li Bo. These reports sparked extensive discussions and exchanges.

Following the seminar, the delegation had a meeting with Yang Yong, Chairman of State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co., Ltd., Li Gang, and heads of key departments such as the Technology Department, Development Department, Electrical Research Institute, and Economic Research Institute. Yang Yong warmly welcomed the delegation, emphasizing the long-standing close cooperation between State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co., Ltd. and EEA. This collaboration has led to the successful completion of several significant national scientific projects and the receipt of numerous scientific progress awards. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the support from EEA and expressed hopes for continued deep collaboration in technological innovation and talent cultivation. This collaboration aims to support the high-quality development initiatives proposed by President Xi Jinping and to develop new productivity suited to local conditions.

Discussion session

Kang Chongqing highlighted the fruitful results achieved through the continuous deepening of cooperation between Tsinghua University’s “one department, two institutes, one laboratory, and one alliance” and State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co., Ltd. He noted the significant strides made in the construction of a new type power system by State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co., Ltd., particularly in the field of power system quantum computing. He emphasized that Tsinghua University’s consortium would focus on Anhui’s major power needs, strengthening comprehensive cooperation in technological innovation, talent cultivation, and think tank development. He also discussed improving communication mechanisms and innovating cooperation models to contribute Tsinghua’s expertise and resources to the construction and practice of Anhui’s new type power system.

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