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From April 26 to 30, 2023, the 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva took place at the Geneva International Exhibition Center in Switzerland. The team from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics (EEA) achieved remarkable success, securing 6 gold awards (including 2 “Jurys Special Commendation Gold Awards”) and 3 silver awards.


Professor Chen Qixin’s team from EEA received the “Jury’s Special Commendation Gold Award” for the project “Data-Driven Power Market Forecasting and Decision-Making Technology and Platform”. Professor Sun Hongbin’s team was also granted the “Jury’s Special Commendation Gold Award” for their project "Synergetic Analysis, Tracing, and Regulation Technology for Multi-Source Heterogeneous Energy Systems”.

The “Digital Energy Cabinet” project by Professor Ci Song’s team, “3D Detection and Diagnosis System for Insulation Defects in Power Cable Insulation” by Professor Zhou Yuanxiang’s team, “Energy Management and Multi-Energy Coordination Control System for High Proportion of New Energy Power Systems” by Professor Wu Wenchuan’s team, and “Active Synchronization and Coordinated Control System for High Renewable Energy Penetrated Power Grids” project led by Associate Professor Lu Zongxiang, all received gold awards.

Professor Zhou Yuanxiang’s team from EEA was granted the silver award for the project “Simulation Software for Insulation Faults at Multiple Time and Space Scales in Converter Transformers”. Professor Hu Wei’s team received the silver award for the project “Complementary Coordination and Optimization Scheduling Technology for Multi-Energy Power Systems with Wind, Light, Water, and Fire”. Associate Professor Lu Zongxiang’s team also secured the silver award for the project “Flexibility Resource Planning Decision Support System for High Proportion of Renewable Energy Power Systems”.

Established in 1973, the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva is jointly organized by the Swiss Federal Government, the Geneva State Government, the Geneva Municipal Government, and the World Intellectual Property Organization. Alongside the Nuremberg International Invention Exhibition in Germany and the Pittsburgh International Invention Exhibition in the United States, it is recognized as one of the world’s three major invention exhibitions. The event is one of the longest-running and largest-scale invention exhibitions globally, having successfully hosted 48 exhibitions and 2 special online exhibitions. The exhibition in 2023 marked the first return to offline exhibitions since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, featuring over 1,000 technological inventions from more than 40 countries and regions, represented by 800 exhibitors. The awards at the exhibition are divided into four levels: “Jury’s Special Commendation Gold Award”, “Gold Award”, “Silver Award”, and “Bronze Award”. The “Jury’s Special Commendation Gold Award” is the highest-level award, selected from the “Gold Award” winners by unanimous approval of the jury, with a winning rate of approximately 5%.

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