Recently, the IEEE flagship journal “Proceedings of the IEEE” published a special issue titled “The Evolution of Smart Grids,” led by Professor Kang Chongqing from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics (EEA) of Tsinghua University in collaboration with Professor Timothy C. Green from Imperial College London and Professor Daniel S. Kirschen from the University of Washington.

Cover of Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume 111, Number 7
The concept of “Smart Grids” has been proposed for over a decade, during which time key technologies in the field of power energy systems have undergone significant development, the structural landscape has transformed extensively, and commercial models have diversified. Notably, the high integration of renewable energy, the interconnection of power electronic devices, and the widespread application of big data and artificial intelligence technologies have transformed the power energy system into a multidisciplinary research field. This special issue invited scholars from renowned institutions, research organizations, and engineering professionals in countries including China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, South Korea, and Germany to contribute papers. In total, ten high-quality papers were compiled. These papers mainly address topics of low-carbonization, digital transformation, and the new structural paradigm with high proportions of renewable energy integration and significant power electronic incorporation in smart grids. They comprehensively analyze the development trends and technological features of smart grids across various countries over the past decade, while also offering insights into the future evolution path and transformation strategies. Professor Kang Chongqing, Professor Timothy C. Green, and Professor Daniel S. Kirschen authored introductory articles, summarizing the main content of the published papers and analyzing the evolution trends of smart grids in different countries. Particular emphasis was placed on user-side resources and associated technologies highlighted within smart grids, as well as the latest advancements in concepts and technologies like virtual power plants stemming from these resources. This endeavor was greatly supported by the Chinese National Key Research and Development Program project “Key Technologies for Aggregation and Interactive Control of Large-scale Flexible Resource Virtual Power Plants” (2021YFB2401200).

Introductory article from the editor-in-chief
According to reports, “Proceedings of the IEEE” is a flagship journal under IEEE and is one of the most authoritative and influential journals in the field of engineering and technology. The journal covers the latest research advancements and applications in the forefront of engineering and technology, encompassing various fields such as electrical engineering, power electronics, communication technology, computer science, and control systems. Its most recent Journal Citation Reports (JCR) impact factor reaches 20.6. This monthly journal publishes various types of papers, including special issues, special sections, and regular papers, to help professionals within related fields quickly grasp the latest research developments. Throughout the years, there have been very few special issues focused on the power and energy domain. The current special issue, initiated by Professor Kang Chongqing from Tsinghua University, marks the first special issue initiated by a Chinese mainland scholar in the field of power systems.
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Introductory article: C. Kang, D. Kirschen and T. C. Green, “The Evolution of Smart Grids [Scanning the Issue],” in Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 111, no. 7, pp. 691-693, July 2023. DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2023.3284213