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In order to highlight the academic atmosphere on the festive day of the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics (EEA), EEA held a special event for Jingde Tribune in Lecture Hall 3-217 of the West Main Building on the afternoon of April 23. This special event includes two parts: a keynote report and a round table forum. Five outstanding alumni of EEA, namely Zhou Xiaoxin, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and honorary president of China Electric Power Research Institute, Gu Guobiao, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and researcher of Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Ouyang Changyu, deputy chief engineer of State Grid Corporation of China and executive director (President) of State Grid Energy Research Institute Co., Ltd., Zheng Fangneng, second-level inspector of the Department of Major Special Projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and Shi Jingli, researcher of the Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, were invited to this event. Kang Chongqing, Dean of EEA, presided over the event. More than 100 teachers and students including Yu Xinjie, Secretary of the Party Committee of EEA, participated in the event.

At the event

At the beginning of the event, Professor Kang Chongqing introduced the purpose of the Jingde Tribune and briefly reviewed the content of previous events, then he introduced the guest speaker of the keynote report of this event, Academician Zhou Xiaoxin, to the teachers and students present.

Kang Chongqing presided over the event

The title of Academician Zhou Xiaoxin’s report is “Research and Thinking on the Transformation and Development of China’s Energy and Power System”. Academician Zhou firstly reviewed the development of the power system, and outlined the structural model and main characteristics of the new power system. The current power system is based on the first two generations of power grids in the last century. The new generation of power system is mainly characterized by intelligent and large-scale utilization of renewable energy. Subsequently, Academician Zhou put forward his own views on the structure of China’s new power system. Academician Zhou believes that the western part of China is suitable for building a large-scale energy base. We should establish a DC transmission grid at the western sending end and integrate it with the super/ultra-high voltage AC grid at the receiving end in the central and eastern regions for larger-scale west-to-east power transmission. In response to the development of new energy in China and the dual-carbon goal proposed by China, Academician Zhou pointed out that under the condition that the proportion of new energy is increasing, we should make effort to develop long-term energy storage of new power systems, especially the application and development of hydrogen energy storage and photovoltaic power generation. Extending the idea of building a new power system with new energy as the core, Academician Zhou proposed the scheme of the integrated energy production unit IEPU. IEPU is a digital production unit that integrates various energy production links and realizes efficient energy transmission and utilization. Academician Zhou believes that in the future, the IEPU will become the basic structure of the new power system together with the intelligent energy control unit IECU on the terminal consumption side, which will have an important impact on the characteristics and operation of the power grid.

Academician Zhou Xiaoxin gave a report

After the report, Prof. Kang Chongqing and Prof. Yu Xinjie presented the Jingde Tribune certificate and souvenirs to Academician Zhou. The teachers and students expressed their sincere admiration for Academician Zhou with warm applause.

Grant a certificate to Academician Zhou Xiaoxin

In the following roundtable forum session, four specially invited guests including Academician Gu Guobiao, Ouyang Changyu, Zheng Fangneng and Shi Jingli came to the stage to participate in the discussion. The four guests first put forward their own opinions on China’s energy policy and power system development based on their own research and work experience. Afterwards, the four guests shared their insights in study and work. Academician Gu also expressed his expectation for the students to broaden their knowledge and horizons, and also put forward requirements for EEA to build super-first-class disciplines. The unique and in-depth views of the distinguished guests and the ardent care for EEA made all the teachers and students present excited.

Round table forum

Finally, in the warm applause of everyone, this special event of Jingde Tribune came to a successful conclusion.

Introduction to Jingde Tribune:

Mr. Gao Jingde is a well-known power engineering expert in China, an outstanding educator, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (academician), the former president of Tsinghua University, the founder of the State Key Laboratory of Safety Control and Simulation of Power Systems and Large Power Generation Equipment, and an IEEE Fellow.

The purpose of the Jingde Tribune is to carry forward the fine tradition of EEA, commemorate a large number of outstanding predecessors of EEA represented by President Gao Jingde, and to inherit their rigorous scholarship and innovative spirit. The invited guests are mainly high-level experts and scholars who are influential in electrical, energy, higher education and other related fields at home and abroad. The topics of the report lectures are cutting-edge scientific and technological progress, major strategic planning, talent training mode, and educational concept innovation.

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