On the morning of September 29, 2021, under the guidance of Jiangsu Development and Reform Commission and Jiangsu Electric Power Company, Changzhou Development and Reform Commission, Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University, Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute, and the State Grid Changzhou Power Supply Company held a launching ceremonyfor the Chinese firstpower system “source-grid-load” physical carbon meter application demonstration project.
Li Yi, Second-level Inspector of Jiangsu Development and Reform Commission, Wang Zhiwei, Deputy General Manager of Jiangsu Electric Power Company, Kang Chongqing, Dean of the Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University and Directorof Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute, Li Yaohong, General Manager of Changzhou Power Supply Company, and Zhu Jianjiang,DeputyDirectorof Changzhou Development and Reform Commission jointly pressed the start button to announce the official launch of theChinese first power system “source-grid-load” physical carbon metersystem and carbon management platform.
At the launching ceremony, Kang Chongqing delivered a keynote reporttitled “New Power System in View of Carbon”. In the report, Professor Kang Chongqing gave a detailed introduction tothe Chinese strategic demand forlow-carbon energy and the carbonfootprint of low-carbon transition in the power system, sorted out the key scientific issues in the researchon low-carbon power technologies,analyzedthe existing problems in the current carbonmetering system and explain the principles of the carbon meteringsystemcentered atcarbon flow analysis theory from the starting point of“Carbon emission metering and analysis in all links of thepower system”.
Wang Zhiwei,DeputyGeneralManager of Jiangsu Electric Power Company, and Li Yaohong, general manager of Changzhou Power Supply Company delivered speeches respectively. Zhang Wei,DeputyDirector of the DevelopmentDivision of Changzhou Power Supply Company, introduced the functions of the carbon management platform,representatives fromJiangsu Changzhou Qingqing Garment Import and Export Company, Jiangsu Hengli Hydraulic Co., Ltd. andChangbao Taobang Petroleum Pipe Fittings Company, etc.also shared theguiding functions of the carbon metering system for optimizing production timing, reducing carbon emissions and reducing emissions. Pan Jianxin,Manager of Jiangsu Changzhou Qingqing Garment Import and Export Company, demonstrated the product “carbon consumption code” based on the carbon metering system. Nearly 90% of the company’s products are exported to Europe, America and other countries and regions, and the deployment and application of the carbon metering system allowsthecompanyto clarify the carbon emissionsin power using at each procedure and attach a“carbon consumption” label to each product, which provides a basis for the certification of the carbon emissions of the company’sproductsexported, anda guidancefor the company to carry out carbon reduction based to“answer the call of low carbon”.
The following guests also attended the launching ceremony: Hu Wei, Deputy Director of the DevelopmentDivision of State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd., Zuo Qiang, Deputy Director of the Marketing Service Center of State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd., Yuan Li, Deputy General Manager of State Grid Changzhou Power Supply Company, Zhou Zhicheng, Chief Engineer of State Grid Changzhou Power Supply Company, and He Xiaoyi, Chairman of Qingkong Chengrong (Beijing) Technology Development Co., Ltd.

Launching ceremony of theChinese first power system physical carbon metering system andcarbon management platform

Professor Kang Chongqing gave a reporttitled “New Power System in View of Carbon”

At the launching ceremony

“Carbon consumption” label for garment
Power system is the vanguard of carbon neutrality for China, andenergy transitiontargeted atlow carbon has become one of China’simportant energy strategies. However,there isn’t anymature and completestandard systemforindirect carbon emissionmetering.Accuratelymetering the carbon emissionsper kilowatt-hour of electricity is amust for low-carbon dispatched operation and carbon trading. The Department of Electrical Engineeringand Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute of Tsinghua University, and State Grid Changzhou Power Supply Company have jointly developed a physical carbon metering system and an energy carbonmetering platform based on carbon flow analysis theory, and realizedthe world first “All-field carbon metering + Entire-chain carbonresponding + Full-scenario carbon footprint” project demonstration.
Up to now, State Grid Changzhou Power Supply Company has installed physical carbon metersat pilots inAsia-Pacific Power Plant, 500kV Maoshan Substation, 220kV Taohu Substation, 110kVZhiqianSubstation and Jiangsu Changzhou QingqingGarmentImport and Export Company, and realized the full-linkdeployment of “source-grid-load” physical carbon meters. Theleading application of the “source-grid-load” physical carbon meters is a significant milestone, as itsolves the problem of real-timemetering of direct and indirect carbon emissions of the power system, and puts forward a new idea for thefull-scenario carbon footprint analysis of the power system. Theall-fieldcarbon meteringsystem of the power system based on the carbon meters provides a data basis and decision-making basis for optimizing the energy structure, organizing the carbon market and issuing carbon emission control policies to support the construction of the power system with new energies as the main body, andhelp achieve the dual-carbon goal in China.

Full-link deployment of “source-grid-load” physical carbon meter
Based on the physical carbon meters, the Department of Electrical Engineering,Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute of Tsinghua University and State Grid Changzhou Power Supply Company jointly developed the “Changzhou Energy Carbon Metering Service Platform”, whichis divided into four functional modules: “Energy Carbon Overview”, “All-fieldCarbon Metering”, “Entire-Chain CarbonResponding” and“Full-scenarioCarbon Footprint”. The “Energy Carbon Overview” module gatherstheenergy supply and consumption data, and key industry carbon emissions data in Changzhou, providing afull-scenariooverview of carbon emissions in Changzhou. The “All-field carbon metering” moduledraws a“multi-temporaland multi-spatial power-carbon distribution map” of Changzhou, demonstrating the real-time flow and traceability of carbon emissions in the grid, and realizingthe“real-time carbon monitoring” in the power system. The “Entire-chainCarbon Responding” modulecollects responsibleresourcesin the city, realizing theuser-side demand response management and the carbon emission reductionmetering and analysis functions. The “Full-scenarioCarbon Footprint” module provides carbon footprint tracking and carbon reduction services forenterprise users. The launch of the energy carbonmetering platform, one the one hand, can guidelow-carbon production of enterprises and help the industry to save energy and reduce emissions, and on the other hand, canprovide quantitative support for government departments to formulate comprehensive carbon emission reduction policies and effect evaluation.

Interface ofChangzhou Energy Carbon Metering Service Platform
Witha solid research foundation and a deep accumulation of talents in the carbon neutral field, Tsinghua University established the Carbon Neutrality Research Institute in September this year to carry out major researches onlow-carbon power generation and power, new power systems, zero-carbon transport, zero-carbon buildings, deep industrial emission reduction technologies, synergy and efficiency improvement of pollutioncontroland carbon reduction, storage and carbon sinks, climate change and carbon neutral strategies. TheResearchInstitute is auniversity-level entityofscientific research institution,and the head is He Kebin,DeputyDirector of the NationalExperts’ Committee ofEcological and Environmental Protection, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and a professor of the School of Environment of Tsinghua University. The power system “source-grid-load” physical carbon metering system is the first officially released key technology and equipment applicationachievementafter the establishment of theInstitute. In the future, a series of researchcentered at carbon monitoringforcarbon emission reduction and energy savingin new power systems will be carried out.