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R&D Teams

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负责人 Min Yong


Team Leader

Min Yong, Professor, IET Fellow, Chairman of the academic committee of the Electrical Engineering Department at Tsinghua University, and Deputy Director of the State Key Laboratory of Electric Power Systems. His primary research areas include power system dynamic analysis, electric-thermal integrated energy systems, and renewable energy integration



Team Members

Lu Zongxiang, Associate Professor, IET Fellow, Deputy Dean of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Applied Electronics at Tsinghua University. His main research interests include renewable energy integration, power system reliability and flexibility, and energy system and power system planning



Xu Fei, Associate Researcher. His primary research focus is electric-thermal integrated energy systems



Hu Wei, Associate Researcher. His main research fields encompass power system dynamic analysis and control, as well as power system big data analysis



Chen Lei, Associate Researcher. He is primarily involved in power system dynamic analysis and power-thermal integrated energy systems



Qiao Ying, Associate Researcher. She primarily focuses on renewable energy integration and power system dynamic analysis



Chen Qun, Professor. He is mainly engaged in economic dispatch, dynamic analysis, and multi-source coordination of integrated energy systems



Team Research Directions

The team’s scientific research encompasses three main directions: the analysis and operation of renewable energy integration, power system dynamic analysis, and electric-thermal integrated energy systems. Direction one emphasizes large-scale renewable energy consumption, including renewable energy power generation prediction, system planning, and operation with a high proportion of renewable energy generation. Direction two is based on classical power system dynamic analysis technology, focusing on studying the dynamic characteristics of power systems due to the large-scale integration of renewable energy, using various intelligent renewable technologies and methods. Direction three focuses on the integration of energy systems with power systems and thermal systems, aiming to provide research ideas for renewables and broader research for solving renewable energy consumption issues, enhancing overall energy efficiency, and improving system flexibility.

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