报告题目:My ~34-year Technical Career at GE
报 告 人:Dr. Manoj Shah, former
Principle Engineer from
GE’s Global Research Center
联 系 人:张品佳
My ~34-year Technical Career at GE
Abstract: The presentation will give a “flying” tour of some of the technical work that I personally had been involved in over my ~ 34 years with GE at its various businesses and at its Global Research Center. I will summarize all my work that is available in the public domain, mainly with the US Patent Office and IEEE Xplore. It will cover my work in electrical devices such as bus work, circuit breakers as well as in the M & D area. However, the main focus will be on various types of electrical machines ranging in temperatures from 40° K (-233° C) to 300°C, pressures from 1 to 300 bars, ratings from a few kW to 1 GW, speeds from 10 RPM to 30,000 RPM, voltages from ~100’s of Volts to 27 kV, and so on! The application space ranges from Aviation to Defense to Power Generation to Water to Oil & Gas to Transportation!
Dr. Manoj Shah, Life Fellow of IEEE, received his B.Tech. (Honors) from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. He received MS and Ph.D. from Virginia Tech. He retired in May 2016 as a Principle Engineer from GE’s Global Research Center after almost 34 years with GE! He spent his career working on electrical devices with the main focus on electric machines. He has ~70 US and many foreign patents with several pending. He has also authored/co-authored over 45 technical papers; some of them have been prize papers. He has given many invited talks internationally. He has been active in the Electric Machines area for IEEE in various capacities and is a past chair of our Schenectady section. He received the 2015 IEEE Gerald Kliman award, the 2012 GE-GRC Coolidge Fellowship award, the 2012 IEEE Nikola Tesla award and the 1991 GE-Power’s Most Outstanding Technical Contribution Award. He now works as a consultant and will be joining Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY as a Professor in August 2017.