题目:Energy Technologies for Emerging Clean and Sustainable Energy Systems
报告人:陈哲教授,丹麦技术科学院院士,欧洲科学与艺术院院士, IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow

Abstract:The global energy landscape is undergoing a profound transition toward a clean, sustainable system driven by renewable energy and other energy technologies. Electrification is to play a pivotal role in future energy systems, while hydrogen is emerging as a significant energy carrier. Traditional fossil-fuel-based technologies are being phased out in favour of clean energy solutions like wind turbines, photovoltaic (PV) panels, power-to-hydrogen systems, and carbon capture technologies etc. These advancements are reshaping the structure and characteristics of modern energy systems while introducing new challenges. This speech will provide a brief overview of the current state of clean energy technologies, describe the potential infrastructures and the evolving feature, outline the challenges of future electric power systems. It will also discuss some research and technological developments that contribute to sustainable energy solutions.
Speaker: Dr Chen is a Professor with the Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark. Professor Chen’s main current research interests are wind energy, power electronics, power system and modern energy systems and AI applications in energy system. In these areas, he has led many international and national research projects and has supervised many PhD, Postdoctoral researchers and visiting PhDs/scholars, he has more than 1000 technical publications. Dr Chen is a member of editorial boards for many international journals. He is a Fellow of IET, a Chartered Engineer in the U.K., a Fellow of IEEE, a member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences and a member of European Academy of Sciences and Arts.
报告嘉宾简介:陈哲博士,丹麦奥尔堡大学能源技术系教授,丹麦技术科学院院士,欧洲科学与艺术院院士, IEEE / IET Fellow,英国特许工程师。主要研究方向包括风能、电力电子、电力系统和现代能源系统以及人工智能在能源系统中的应用,发表学术论文1000余篇,担任Wind turbine technology and control of IET Renewable Power Generation主编、IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics副主编及多个国际期刊编委。