报告题目: Distribution network resilience against wildfires
Decentralized Control of Power Systems
报 告 人: Prof. Nikolaos Hatziargyriou,希腊雅典理工大学教授
报告时间: 2019年08月23日,星期五,上午10:30
报告地点: 清华大学西主楼3区102
主办单位: 清华大学电机系
联 系 人: 康重庆 张宁

报告人简介:Professor Hatziargyriou is Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems and member of the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Development and the IEEE Power and Energy magazine. He is author of the book “Microgrids: Architectures and Control” and of more than 200 journal publications and 500 conference proceedings papers. He is included in the 2016 Thomson Reuters' list of the top 1% most cited researchers. Since April 2015 he is Chairman and CEO of the Hellenic Distribution Network Operator (DEDDIE). From February 2007 to September 2012, he was Deputy CEO of the Public Power Corporation (PPC) of Greece, responsible for Transmission and Distribution Networks, island DNO and the Center of Testing, Research and Prototyping. He is Fellow Member of IEEE, past Chair of the Power System Dynamic Performance Committee, Honorary member of CIGRE and past Chair of CIGRE SC C6 “Distribution Systems and Distributed Generation”. He is co-chair of the EU Technology and Innovation Platform on Smart Networks for Energy Transition. He is member of the Energy Committee of the Athens Academy of Science. He has participated in more than 60 R&DD Projects funded by the EC and the industry and has coordinated among others, "CARE", "MORE CARE", "MERGE", “Microgrids” and “More Microgrids”.